Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Horrible Sickness of Death

Doctor Oz is on talking about sugar, food labels, and whatever else nonsense. He's all worked up over it and really annoying me but I can't manage to move to get the remote control because I am SO TIRED from being sickly. I've only been awake for an hour and all I can think about is going back to bed.

I need to finish an outline for class tonight. I need to get up and ready to go to school to meet with my advisor. I have a list about a mile long of things I need to get done. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME???

Ok, done with the pity party. I'm going to keep trucking along with this blog even though no one is reading it. If anything it makes me feel good to have something to work on besides homework!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things I procrastinate doing part one - Laundry

I pretend I'm not a procrastinator. I present myself as a capable organized person to the outside world. My car is clean and never filled with unnecessary objects. I don't look unkempt or wear dirty clothes (at least not VISIBLY dirty). I like to think that I present the illusion of a very normal, responsible adult.

It is all a lie. I'm horrible messy. My room is a wreck. There is probably 2 square feet of visible floor in my entire room. The rest is covered by dirty towels, random clothing, shopping bags, and empty cardboard boxes that for some reason or another I feel the need to hold on to. I don't know why I'm incapable of controlling this one part of my life. I really do not like clutter. It makes me uncomfortable but for some reason or another I am incapable of keeping my room clean.

I always wait till the last minute to do laundry. I will literally be waiting by the dryer wrapped in a towel so that I can have clean underwear to put on before I go to work. I'm a firm believer that the cleanliness of clothing is not determined by the fact that I've worn it once already but by whether or not it can pass the sniff test. In case you are not a slob like me and are unfamiliar with the sniff test, here is a flow chart I made demonstrating how to properly perform the sniff test.

Pretty handy, huh? If I were you I'd print this out and post it in your room. The job interview box represents any important event that you may be going to such as going on a date or a big meeting at work. As long as the event meets the standard of you NOT smelling when you are going to it, then it can be substituted in. It is important to note that going to school/class does not qualify for the substitution rule. I'm not saying that school is not important, it is very important. Smelling good when you go to school is not important. Besides there will always be someone there who smells worse then you, trust me. If you are following this flow chart properly there is no way you will be the stinkiest person there, so you don't need to worry.

Following this flow chart really frees up your schedule. You're going to love all the time you'll save by following it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Starting a Blog, also I'm afraid of a lot of things.

So blogging, hmm...Not sure I'm cool/awesome enough to do it but unfortunately for the internet there is no cool/awesome scale or test that needs to be passed in order to obtain a blog.

I just started graduate school and it is all kinds of crazy. I'm a country, rural, no sidewalks, well-water kinda girl. My closest neighbor is at least a football field away. Traffic for me is three cars lined up at the ONLY stop light in town. I chose to go to school in Youngstown Ohio. A small city with sidewalks and more then one stop light. There are parking decks and homeless people. You may be wondering what is the most exciting part about this lovely city I now spend 3 - 4 days a week in? Youngstown is consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. I believe it made #9 not too long ago. As of 2010 I think it at least made it back into the double digits.

Nicole's Top Fears as of June 2010
Rated from 1 to 10, 1 being I feel like I'm going to die immediately and very painfully from this and 10 being meh, I don't care for this at all and avoid it.

1) Bees/Wasps/Hornets
Basically anything that flies and stings. This is a PHOBIA guys!

2) Other Bugs
Bugs that fly, bugs that don't. Bugs that sting, bugs that don't. They scare me, mostly because I am always SURE that they are a bee/wasp/hornet. When they turn out not to be I'm relieved...somewhat.

3) Never Becoming an Adult
I still live at home. I have not gotten a grown-up job. I am not an adult and I'm afraid I never will be. I eat peanut butter out of the jar and sometimes jelly too. If I'm feeling creative I get half a spoonful of jelly and half a spoonful of peanut butter at one time. It's pretty much amazing, but not something an adult does.

4) Being Attacked by a mean person
This is pretty self explanatory

5) Tiny Meatballs
Like the wee little ones in Italian Wedding Soup. I don't trust them. Too small.

6) Shopping for socks
I only have two pairs for a reason and that reason is not simply that I am a disgusting person.

7) Sickness/Illness
I'm pretty much convinced I have cancer all of the time.

8) Elevators
Especially when they make unnecessary beeping/buzzing noises. I immediately think I'm going to die, but no it's just the door opening.

9) Birds flying over my head

10) That I'm aging prematurely
I'm hardly ever carded when I purchase liquor. Someone once asked me if I was my friend's mom. MY FRIEND IS OLDER THEN ME!!! There might be some weird Benjamin Button shit going on.

Nicole's Top Fears as of October 2010

1) Bees/Wasps/Hornets
Yep I'm that afraid of them.

2) Other Bugs
The other day a car that was next to me was making a strange buzzing noise
and when I
drove by it I practically jumped out of the car
because I was SURE that a bug - POSSIBLE
BEE was in my car with me. Now once I
chilled out enough to realize that the sound was
NOTHING like a bug/bee I still had to
speed up and get far far away from that car because
the thought of there being a bee
trapped in my car with me was that horrifying.

3) Rape
4) Abduction or kidnapping

5) Being Killed
Yea being killed is under rape and abduction because if I'm dead, well there isn't much to
worry about now is there?

6) The Parking Garage
Now this kind of ties into the numbers 3, 4, & 5 because I fear these things become more
likely by parking in a parking garage but it also stands on its own as being frightening.
parking garage closest to my building is falling apart, piece by piece - literally. I am
afraid that a chunk of concrete will fall on my head and knock me out. Making it all that
much easier for the rapers, abductors, and killers to get me.

7) Cancer
ALL OF THE TIME, for real.

8) Tiny Meatballs
They are just wrong. I'm surprised more people don't feel this way.

9) Shopping for socks
Why are there so MANY choices? Why are they so EXPENSIVE? How do I know if I will
LIKE them? It's a traumatizing experience and I usually give up before making a decision.

10) Birds that fly through the parking garage
I'm convinced they will get caught in my hair and bite me. I will then get rabies and die
from cancer.

Needless to say some major life adjustments are occurring.

Also I bought pepper spray for the first time in my life.